The Tree Mount Temple Church is a Bible-based ministry, striving to reach the lost at any cost, teach the saved to serve, and provide holistic ministry to our community as well as the world. Seeking to minister to the total person, we desire to touch broken, hurting, and desperate lives while impacting the world in which we live with the uncompromising message of Jesus Christ.
Committed to the spirit of excellence, we are striving to become an oasis of hope within the San Antonio community. We embrace freedom and worship because the Word says, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Our foundation is the Word of God and we believe it in its entirety. We believe we can do what It says we can do, be who It says we can be, and have what It says we can have! |
"We are to be a more excellent ministry in all capacities;
including in our faith, within our facilities, and in our finances."
Christ-Centered In All We Do
WE BELIEVE GOD is the only Supreme Divine Creator of the universe, its elements and inhabitants. We believe He is the only true, wise, and living God who is the essence of love. We believe He is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign, infinite, immutable, and self-existent with no beginning or end. Within the one Being that is God, exists three (3) co-equal and co-eternal persons; namely God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST is God relative to Deity, the Son of God relative to the Trinity, and Lord of all relative to sovereignty. We believe He, who is God, descended from Heaven and became flesh to voluntarily die as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of humanity. We believe His deity and perfection were secured through the Virgin Birth. His atoning death at Calvary would cleanse us of sins and reconcile us back to God. We believe He experienced a bodily resurrection three (3) days after His death, and ascended back to Heaven forty (40) days later. Receiving Christ as our personal Lord & Savior will ultimately grant us eternal life with Him in Heaven. Rejecting Him as Lord & Savior will ultimately result in eternal damnation in Hell.
WE BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT is God’s Spirit given to indwell every Christian at the moment of salvation. We believe the ministries, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit are active in the life of every believer. We believe the Holy Spirit distributes gifts by His own sovereignty. We embrace the expression and exercise of these gifts within our church for its edification according to the Word of
God. We believe the Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier, Comforter, Keeper, and Revelator of truth into eternal life.
WE BELIEVE THE BIBLE is the God-inspired, infallible, indispensable, irrevocable Word of God. We accept the whole Bible (from Genesis to Revelation) as God’s Word. We believe it was given as the “Constitution” of the Church and the manual for Christian living until Christ returns to collect His people unto Himself for eternity. We believe the Bible has one (1) author, who is God; but many writers who were all inspired to write as the Holy Spirit directed them.
WE BELIEVE THE CHURCH is the collection of persons who have been called out of the darkness of sin into the light of Jesus Christ by accepting Him as their Savior and Lord by faith. This collection of persons makes up the Church with Jesus Christ as its only, permanent Head. Therefore, the Church is the Body of Christ. It’s a living organism, not an organization. It’s a people, not a place. We
also believe that the Church exists solely to win souls by the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, change lives through the teaching of God’s Word, and continue the love, legacy, and labor of Jesus Christ through relevant ministries. The Church ultimately functions as the embassy of God’s Kingdom in the earth.
WE BELIEVE SALVATION is the rescuing of the soul from eternal damnation to the reconciling of that soul to God. We believe that salvation was accomplished through the voluntary, atoning death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. His blood was shed for the remission of sins, and His sacrifice fulfilled the penalty of death. He died for us, and He died as us. He was raised from the dead (3) three days after His death. His bodily resurrection granted eternal life with God to every believer. Therefore, salvation is actuated in the life of one who
unashamedly confesses and accepts by faith the death, burial, resurrection, and Lordship of Jesus Christ. Salvation is available to everyone, but it can only be accessed by those who have a saving faith in Christ and His atoning work at Calvary. All other religious ordinances and spiritual observations (i.e. baptism, communion, spiritual gifts, etc.) are the results of being saved, not the requirements to get saved.
WE BELIEVE CHRISTIANITY is the spiritual, doctrinal, and moral discipline of God’s Kingdom based on the lordship, life, death, & resurrection of Jesus Christ; supported by the Bible and advocated via the Lord’s Church. We believe the ultimate impact of Christianity upon our lives is to cause us to live ‘Christ-like’ on earth. We believe a Christian lifestyle is our way of giving our lives to Him Who gave His life for us.
WE BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST is God relative to Deity, the Son of God relative to the Trinity, and Lord of all relative to sovereignty. We believe He, who is God, descended from Heaven and became flesh to voluntarily die as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of humanity. We believe His deity and perfection were secured through the Virgin Birth. His atoning death at Calvary would cleanse us of sins and reconcile us back to God. We believe He experienced a bodily resurrection three (3) days after His death, and ascended back to Heaven forty (40) days later. Receiving Christ as our personal Lord & Savior will ultimately grant us eternal life with Him in Heaven. Rejecting Him as Lord & Savior will ultimately result in eternal damnation in Hell.
WE BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT is God’s Spirit given to indwell every Christian at the moment of salvation. We believe the ministries, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit are active in the life of every believer. We believe the Holy Spirit distributes gifts by His own sovereignty. We embrace the expression and exercise of these gifts within our church for its edification according to the Word of
God. We believe the Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier, Comforter, Keeper, and Revelator of truth into eternal life.
WE BELIEVE THE BIBLE is the God-inspired, infallible, indispensable, irrevocable Word of God. We accept the whole Bible (from Genesis to Revelation) as God’s Word. We believe it was given as the “Constitution” of the Church and the manual for Christian living until Christ returns to collect His people unto Himself for eternity. We believe the Bible has one (1) author, who is God; but many writers who were all inspired to write as the Holy Spirit directed them.
WE BELIEVE THE CHURCH is the collection of persons who have been called out of the darkness of sin into the light of Jesus Christ by accepting Him as their Savior and Lord by faith. This collection of persons makes up the Church with Jesus Christ as its only, permanent Head. Therefore, the Church is the Body of Christ. It’s a living organism, not an organization. It’s a people, not a place. We
also believe that the Church exists solely to win souls by the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, change lives through the teaching of God’s Word, and continue the love, legacy, and labor of Jesus Christ through relevant ministries. The Church ultimately functions as the embassy of God’s Kingdom in the earth.
WE BELIEVE SALVATION is the rescuing of the soul from eternal damnation to the reconciling of that soul to God. We believe that salvation was accomplished through the voluntary, atoning death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. His blood was shed for the remission of sins, and His sacrifice fulfilled the penalty of death. He died for us, and He died as us. He was raised from the dead (3) three days after His death. His bodily resurrection granted eternal life with God to every believer. Therefore, salvation is actuated in the life of one who
unashamedly confesses and accepts by faith the death, burial, resurrection, and Lordship of Jesus Christ. Salvation is available to everyone, but it can only be accessed by those who have a saving faith in Christ and His atoning work at Calvary. All other religious ordinances and spiritual observations (i.e. baptism, communion, spiritual gifts, etc.) are the results of being saved, not the requirements to get saved.
WE BELIEVE CHRISTIANITY is the spiritual, doctrinal, and moral discipline of God’s Kingdom based on the lordship, life, death, & resurrection of Jesus Christ; supported by the Bible and advocated via the Lord’s Church. We believe the ultimate impact of Christianity upon our lives is to cause us to live ‘Christ-like’ on earth. We believe a Christian lifestyle is our way of giving our lives to Him Who gave His life for us.